Alice Bobée at the Berlin Social Science Center 

Alice Bobée at the Berlin Social Science Center (WZB)

As a former student research assistant at the Berlin Social Science Center (WZB) – in the department “Migration and Diversity” led by Prof. Dr. Koopmans – Alice Bobée was invited to present her research project in a colloquium on the 14th of November 2018.

In her PhD, Alice Bobée explores the discourses employed by French Higher Education institutions to justify the offshoring of their campuses. Employing a critical approach, she wants to uncover the mechanisms, processes and strategies sustaining the development of French IBCs. She will question in which political, economic and cultural contexts those discourses and strategies are embedded and how they are experienced and manifested in branch campuses across different places. Her research contributes to academic debates on knowledge production in globalizing universities and on the experiential dimension of this knowlegde in transnational spaces of education.